Shakespeare In Love

2020 Education
Five Minds for the 21st. Century
The first, is acquiring a disciplined mind, talks about to solving problems in any area.
The second, is the synthesizing mind, a mind able to collect, talks about a mind who is able to collect information from disparate sources and put ideas together in ways that makes sense to the learner.
The final mind is the ethical mind which considers how students can serve purposes beyond self interest, talks about when you can share despite of differences, talks about people who helps someone without reward.
HOw to educate Bilingual Children???

Our society is working on that, trying to form bilingual people now...
Attempts are being made to introduce English to Chile as a second language, that attemps are being made to introduce a second language into our society, and English is top of the list of these second languages.....
My classmates at university presented this important topic in a class presentation. The girls presented clearly some of the most important ways to encourage children to become bilingual, for example bringing the children on trips to locations where their second language is being, showing movies in English and reading books in English. The girls talked in their presentation about the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism, and also about the myth of bilingualism.
I would say … What I can do as a teacher to help children become bilingual???


About the main idea into their topic, I think that the use of the Power Point Presentation was good, the girls tried to show us easily the topic, the use of the tone of voice, was clear, the girls show us a clear dominion of the subject that they presented.
Multiple Intelligences

A group of classmates (Evelyn-Daniela-Yhinci) talked about that topics....

The Clockwork Orange

Are You Happy???

BullYing @ School

My PreSEntAtiOn


We were participating in a presentation about "La desigualdad de la eduación chilena" .