Five Minds for the 21st. Century

Howard Gardner

Important psicologist, he published theories about intelligences:

The first, is acquiring a disciplined mind, talks about to solving problems in any area.

The second, is the synthesizing mind, a mind able to collect, talks about a mind who is able to collect information from disparate sources and put ideas together in ways that makes sense to the learner.

The Third, is the creative mind, a mind capable of breaking new statements, developing new ideas and asking new questions, talks about innovation, creativity, originality, garder said that we have to be able to be creative.

The Fourth, is the respectful mind, a mind that recognizes differences between individuals, groups and cultures; one that learns to appreciate a sense of others, talks about us, as a human individuals, we have to be respectful in front others.

The final mind is the ethical mind which considers how students can serve purposes beyond self interest, talks about when you can share despite of differences, talks about people who helps someone without reward.

In my opinion, the presentation was more or less, because my classmate Jorge, not included pictures in their power point presentation, despite of the jorges´s topic that he presented was interesting, but Jorge was standing up in front of the class without movements, just speaking, doing nothing else, he does not used the body language, I think that jorge could be do the best presentation in onther oportunity.

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