Brokeback Mountain is a film made in 2005, directed by Ang Lee, based on a brief story of Annie Proulx, winner of the Pulitzer prize. The script was written by Diana Ossana and Larry McMurtry (also winner of the Pulitzer prize). These writers won an Oscar by their work, one of the three that obtained the film, of a total of eight nominations.
You can find into the film the real friendship, love, hope, frustration, between two guys that they are working so far from their home, in Wyoming, United States. The film narrates the story of their lives and their continuous and complex relation during two decades, that continues while both get marry with their wifes and have children.
My personal opinion about the film is that has a great script, where the homosexual theme is touched into the film. The film is sensational I love the pictures that the film showed, with landscapes of dream surrounded by forests of pines and mountains, great sun puttings and others. It was an excelent movie that I never seen before.
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