English Only Movements

Paula`s Villaseca Presentation was about English Only Movements...
My classmate started her presentation gave us a sticker, she asked us if we as teachers use only english in our classes, if we will punish to our students if they speak Spanish.
Paula wrote a quotation trying to introduced us into her theme. Paula gave us a definition about English Only Movements, that was created in USA, that is a LAW.
EOM: Was recognized as an oficial movement in 1983, has about 570.000 members.
In my opinion the Paula`s presentation was pertinent, I consider we as teacher have to try to introduce in a funny and good way the Second language, we have to use both Languages because we have to consider that our Mother tongue is Spanish and the second language is English and we do not have to forget that it is our Language.
Paula`s presentation was clear, she use in a good manner the PPT but the colours that she used was not good, the colour text into the PPT was mixed with background, paula was humild with her knowledges, the topic linguistically was interesting and necessary.

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