Tools to teach English

Maria Ormeño`s Presentation was about Tools to teach English....
My classmate gave us tips to Teach English in a good and funny way, for example Maria talked about the use of Power point presentation, you can use to practice, review or to do a test, you can use a videos to improve listening skills, to improve pronuntiation, and other skills, use songs usually used to increase and strengthen vocabulary and grammar, the use of Computers help to students and teachers to improve speech and pronuntiation, check spelling and others....
Maria during her presentation gave us a piece of paper with a question related to writing skill. "which tool will you use to improve writing in your students?".... we worked in couples and choose Computer, because we think that is a good and new way to teach using technological resources.
Maria`s presentation was fine, clear, her time was good, the excersise that she did during her presentation was pertinent .....

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