A Beautiful Mind

"A Beautiful Mind," remarkably, takes neither road. Adapted from a biography of the same name by Sylvia Nasar, this is the story of John Forbes Nash Jr., the mathematics genius who formulated the concept of game theory, which became a foundation for contemporary economics. During the Cold War, Nash developed schizophrenia and became delusional and paranoid, but recovered and won a 1994 Nobel Prize.

At first, I didn't notice that Nash was insane, was difficult to me understand that Jhon has been suffer schizophrenia, every single part of the movie was real, but in his mind was real, the rest of the people have never seen anyone more than John, it was all an illusion created in his schizophrenic mind, at the end of the movie, when Jhon was internship at the hospital, finally in this episode I could see the truth ....

Personally speaking I think that A Beautiful Mind is a good movie, showed me a reality that a person who is brilliant, but nobody knows what is happening in his insane mind , in his reality.

As the Name said, A Beautiful Mind is beautiful.

English Only Movements

Paula`s Villaseca Presentation was about English Only Movements...
My classmate started her presentation gave us a sticker, she asked us if we as teachers use only english in our classes, if we will punish to our students if they speak Spanish.
Paula wrote a quotation trying to introduced us into her theme. Paula gave us a definition about English Only Movements, that was created in USA, that is a LAW.
EOM: Was recognized as an oficial movement in 1983, has about 570.000 members.
In my opinion the Paula`s presentation was pertinent, I consider we as teacher have to try to introduce in a funny and good way the Second language, we have to use both Languages because we have to consider that our Mother tongue is Spanish and the second language is English and we do not have to forget that it is our Language.
Paula`s presentation was clear, she use in a good manner the PPT but the colours that she used was not good, the colour text into the PPT was mixed with background, paula was humild with her knowledges, the topic linguistically was interesting and necessary.

Tools to teach English

Maria Ormeño`s Presentation was about Tools to teach English....
My classmate gave us tips to Teach English in a good and funny way, for example Maria talked about the use of Power point presentation, you can use to practice, review or to do a test, you can use a videos to improve listening skills, to improve pronuntiation, and other skills, use songs usually used to increase and strengthen vocabulary and grammar, the use of Computers help to students and teachers to improve speech and pronuntiation, check spelling and others....
Maria during her presentation gave us a piece of paper with a question related to writing skill. "which tool will you use to improve writing in your students?".... we worked in couples and choose Computer, because we think that is a good and new way to teach using technological resources.
Maria`s presentation was fine, clear, her time was good, the excersise that she did during her presentation was pertinent .....

Studying Abroad....

My classmate Camilo Opazo, talked about Studying Abroad....
Camilo started his presentation giving us information about advantages and disvantages that are involve when you are Studying Abroad. Camilo asked some classmates that were studying abroad last year, Romina Bozan and Paula Villaseca, My classmates talked about their experience living in New York far their homes and far their family, my classmates gave us some topics to live abroad, my experience was similar, since I lived outside, away from my falmily for 1 semester, for that reason I understand the experience of my classmates.
Camilo explained us about standard test that measure English quality ( TOEFL, IELTS). My classmate Camilo use part of the listening that is used to measure the Listening part of the TOEFL.
In general, the Camilo`s presentation was good, camilo use in a good way the classroom`s space , the technological resources were well used, we participated a lot in his presentation because Camilo asked us many times during his presentation.

Classroom Management Strategies

My classmate Romina Bozan, talked about Classroom Management Strategies, she started her presentation asking us some questions related to her topic, Romina talked about 3 common missbehaves; talkative students; Students request our help; Students that argue.

Romina gaves us some strategies to use with the group of talkative students, for Students that request Teacher`s attention, for Students that spend the class arguin with the Teacher; Romina made us 3 questions for us to answer them , was about strategies that we would apply with our Students.

In my opinion the Romina`s presentation was good, she started her topic introducing us to the subject that she would talk about, her tone of voice was good, she moves around the classroom, Romina used in a good way the space of the classroom, Romina made us participate several times, her presentation was interactive, the technological resources were well used, I think that was in general a good presentation.

How does TV affect teenagers??

My classmate Maria Luz talked about the effect of TV on teenagers; she used good and funny pictures and videos in a good way trying to demonstrate the real effects that provoke TV.

Maria Luz asked us some questions related to her topic, for example; what are the negative effects on teenagers?

Obesity, Alcohol, Risk behavior: Sex, Smoking, Stereotype.

We as a teacher how can help our students to watch TV in a healthier way?

In my opinion I think that Maria Luz used in a good way the space in her presentation, she moved around the classroom and she made us participate a lot.