Juan Pablo´s Presentation

Adolescent Pregnacy

The budget was approve

- Carlos Ominami against the Budget.
- Alvear and Matthei approve the Budget.
- Orpis, Espina and Ominami, all candidates of re-election, have given the 3 votes against the budget.

November 11th

Mr Litman, today at classes gave us a new website: www.twitter.com/tefl. This website is concerning to teachers that teach English, in this page you can find different tips to use when you are teaching English, some of their comments are related to dictations, how to make spelling fun, find easy to read txt for lower students level.
In my opinion, I think that is a good way to tech English using different resources as some followers of this page mentioned in the web site, some of the followers mentioned for example; if have you ever asked your students if they dream in English?
I think that it is a good question to make our students at school.

Maria Teresa´s Presentation: Friendship

Francisca´s Presentation: Music @ School


Jorge Pierola´s Presentation: Slang
Nadia´s Presentation

- Read the policies.
- Don not publish phone number, home address.
- Put your profile as private.
- Accept people that i really know.
- Explain the policies
- They should choose their friends.
- Eliminate people who are being problematic.
Teachers strike from public schools

Juan´s Presentation: Sport in education

Yhincy´s Presentation

Body Language

Less words more actions

A Beautiful Mind

"A Beautiful Mind," remarkably, takes neither road. Adapted from a biography of the same name by Sylvia Nasar, this is the story of John Forbes Nash Jr., the mathematics genius who formulated the concept of game theory, which became a foundation for contemporary economics. During the Cold War, Nash developed schizophrenia and became delusional and paranoid, but recovered and won a 1994 Nobel Prize.
At first, I didn't notice that Nash was insane, was difficult to me understand that Jhon has been suffer schizophrenia, every single part of the movie was real, but in his mind was real, the rest of the people have never seen anyone more than John, it was all an illusion created in his schizophrenic mind, at the end of the movie, when Jhon was internship at the hospital, finally in this episode I could see the truth ....
Personally speaking I think that A Beautiful Mind is a good movie, showed me a reality that a person who is brilliant, but nobody knows what is happening in his insane mind , in his reality.
As the Name said, A Beautiful Mind is beautiful.

English Only Movements

Tools to teach English

Studying Abroad....
Classroom Management Strategies

My classmate Romina Bozan, talked about Classroom Management Strategies, she started her presentation asking us some questions related to her topic, Romina talked about 3 common missbehaves; talkative students; Students request our help; Students that argue.
Romina gaves us some strategies to use with the group of talkative students, for Students that request Teacher`s attention, for Students that spend the class arguin with the Teacher; Romina made us 3 questions for us to answer them , was about strategies that we would apply with our Students.
In my opinion the Romina`s presentation was good, she started her topic introducing us to the subject that she would talk about, her tone of voice was good, she moves around the classroom, Romina used in a good way the space of the classroom, Romina made us participate several times, her presentation was interactive, the technological resources were well used, I think that was in general a good presentation.
How does TV affect teenagers??

Maria Luz asked us some questions related to her topic, for example; what are the negative effects on teenagers?
Obesity, Alcohol, Risk behavior: Sex, Smoking, Stereotype.
We as a teacher how can help our students to watch TV in a healthier way?
In my opinion I think that Maria Luz used in a good way the space in her presentation, she moved around the classroom and she made us participate a lot.

Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot is a shy boy, living with his proud miner father and older brother Tony during the political and social unrest of the 1984 miner's strike. Times are hard the men of the house spend their days on the picket lines clashing with the police, while Billy navigates the minefield of adolescence and takes care of his increasingly senile grandmother.

First of all Daniela use background music to present her microlesson…..
I think that was a good way to motivate and introduce the spectators (classmates) into her theme. She uses a lot of resources to demonstrate that we are working in a bad way, I mean, for example, when we are cooking, generally we throw the rest of vegetables, plastics, cans, and more things to the same bag, it is too bad for us, because and according to the Daniela´s presentation, for example, a plastic bag, is delayed 500 years in degrading itself.
Daniela Showed us some videos related to the pollution, that was amazing, we can see a lot of damages that the human provoke into the environment, she gave us tips to recycle, reduce and reuse.
In my opinion Daniela´s Presentation was amazing, was clear, the audiovisual material that she used was good, her effort was demonstrated in her microlesson.
Technology / Telecommunication and Teaching
Cristobal Presented this important topic taking account our futures plans ....how to be good teachers.
First of all Cristobal gave us a definition of technology and telecommunication, he showed us a timeline about the evolution of the technology, finding the telegraph, phone, computer, beeper, cell phone, cd player, and more......
In my opinion, I think that using technological recourses to teach is a good way to engage our students, for example if we want to teach culture we can use the computer and go to the Google earth and show to our students what is the origin of the word "wood" for mention something.
According to Cristobal´s Presentation I can say that was a good presentation, despite of Cristobal presented technical problems, his presentation was very clear, very easy to understand, very enjoyable, easy to follow. At the end of his presentation, Cristobal showed us a video related to the use of technology into classroom.

Have we lost the respect inside the classroom??

Evelyn presented her topic in a good way, because she started asking us about the punishment, showed us a pictures about the year 1969 and 2009, she made a contrast between both situations, in the case of the picture of year 1969, the student were punished by their parents about their marks, in those years the students were bad, because they no studied for their test, quizzes, etc. By the other side, nowadays the teachers are the main problem into the scholar system, because teacher give bad marks, not the students won them.
Evelyn showed us some videos related to the educational environment into classroom, were students were attack to the teachers and vice versa , were the behavior of the students were not good, some of them punished their teacher, throwing paper balls to him, chairs of the classroom, throwing backpacks, copybooks, in my opinion about to the lost of the respect on the part of the students towards the professor, I believe that it goes in the education that the students bring of their homes, that provoke this behavior into the classroom.
According to the Evelyn´s presentation, I think that was marvelous, is an important topic that we have to know as future teachers, we have to maintain the autocontrol in those situations…… her presentation was good, she used a lot of materials to presented a good theme, Evelyn gave us some tips related to her presentation, I think that is a good way to teach and to be a good teacher in the future.
Obesity and sedentary lifestyle

In my opinion, we as future teachers, we can help to our student to prevent the obesity, trying to teach in a good way natural values, for example, try to consume vegetables, fruit, milk, chicken, fish...... and try to persuade our student to prevent the obesity into the scholar community desmosntrating with real facts.....

Relaxation Techniques

My classmate Daisy Barril talked about the Relaxation Techniques, Daisy started her presentation asking some questions about her theme, and for example, what are the relaxation techniques?
After the question, Daisy answered us about the main objective of the relaxation techniques, because as a she explained before, we as a Teacher we have to know more about that, because we will work with persons, with child, adolescents, so we have to know when they are tired, bored, and using these relaxation techniques with our student to stop the stress, angry, pain, for example. Daisy show us some slides about the most common techniques:
- 1. Deep breathing
- 2. Visualization
According those tips, we can use them to take a break and think about myself to relax me and to be able to continue with the daily routines. In my opinion her topic was amazing, but the way that daisy explained us the topic was not good, she showed herself uncomfortable presenting, very nervous, in my opinion, Daisy demonstrated not dominion of the theme, for that reason I think that her presentation was not clear.
Gustavo´s Presentation

II Semester

Shakespeare In Love

2020 Education
Five Minds for the 21st. Century
The first, is acquiring a disciplined mind, talks about to solving problems in any area.
The second, is the synthesizing mind, a mind able to collect, talks about a mind who is able to collect information from disparate sources and put ideas together in ways that makes sense to the learner.
The final mind is the ethical mind which considers how students can serve purposes beyond self interest, talks about when you can share despite of differences, talks about people who helps someone without reward.
HOw to educate Bilingual Children???

Our society is working on that, trying to form bilingual people now...
Attempts are being made to introduce English to Chile as a second language, that attemps are being made to introduce a second language into our society, and English is top of the list of these second languages.....
My classmates at university presented this important topic in a class presentation. The girls presented clearly some of the most important ways to encourage children to become bilingual, for example bringing the children on trips to locations where their second language is being, showing movies in English and reading books in English. The girls talked in their presentation about the advantages and disadvantages of bilingualism, and also about the myth of bilingualism.
I would say … What I can do as a teacher to help children become bilingual???


About the main idea into their topic, I think that the use of the Power Point Presentation was good, the girls tried to show us easily the topic, the use of the tone of voice, was clear, the girls show us a clear dominion of the subject that they presented.
Multiple Intelligences

A group of classmates (Evelyn-Daniela-Yhinci) talked about that topics....

The Clockwork Orange

Are You Happy???